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The Ohara area has been known as Gyozan for more than a thousand years. It is the birthplace of Shomyo (Buddhist sutra chanting) and known as a sacred spot in the belief of Jodo (Pure Land Buddhism) among Nembutsu-Hijiri (prayer mendicant priests). Sanzen-in Temple was originally established as a hermitage by Saicho (767-822), or Dengyo Daishi, when he founded Enryakuji Temple on Mt. Hiei, Shiga Prefecture. The temple, also known as Kajii Monzeki or Nashimoto Monzeki, is one of the five Tendai Monzeki temples, and certain members of the imperial family served here in the priesthood throughout the temple’s history. It was officially named Sanzen-in in 1871, according to documentation written by Emperor Reigen in the Jibutsu-do hall of Kajii Goten (the temple building), following the departure of an imperial prince priest from the priesthood.
Map of Sanzen-in TempleTHE GROUNDS

Types and Location of Shuin:Temple Stamp
- Konjiki Fudo Myoo,Benzai-ten:All the five Shuin, or temple stamps, can be checked here.
- Kannon Bosatsu
- Yakushi Nyorai,Amitabha Trinity
Important Cultural Propertiesof Sanzen-in Temple
京都大原三千院(三千院門跡):Sanzen-in Monzeki
〒601-1242 京都市左京区大原来迎院町540
540 Raigoin-cho, Ohara, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto, zip:601-1242
Phone : 075-744-2531
March to Dec. 7th8:30 am~17:00 pm
Dec. 7th to Feb9:00 am~16:30 pm
Open all year round
general700 yen (600 yen for organizations of 30 or more)
Junior high ・ high school400 yen (300 yen for organizations of 30 or more)
primary school150 yen
By Bus
About 1 hour on the Route 17 bus bound for Ohara that departs from Kyoto Bus Stop C3, located in front of the Central Gate Entrance of Kyoto Station.
It is an approximately 10 minute walk from the Ohara bus stop to Sanzen-in.
By Subway
Transfer to the subway (Karasuma Line) and get off at Kokusaikaikan Station
23 minutes on the Kyoto Bus bound for "Ohara, Kodeishi", departing from Bus Stop 3 in front of Kokusaikaikan Station.
It is an approximately 10 minute walk from the Ohara bus stop to Sanzen-in.
Parking Information
Sanzen-in Temple does not have a parking lot on its grounds. Visitors can use city parking lots or multiple temporary private parking spaces nearby the temple or at the base of the approach.